Coffee Home Roasting, Brewing and Tasting workshop
Date: Sunday 25th of Feb, 10am until 2pm. / Location: The Life Fit Studio, Upper Ballygarvan, Cork
Our new workshop will be led by Dylan Kennedy. You may know Dylan already having had a Physio-led bike fit with him here at the studio. What you may not know is that he is a mega coffee enthusiast!
He's been talking about coffee for as long as I know him and has gone on to really hone the craft of home roasting. He is now roasting beans with the Cormorant 600 gas drum roaster which we will be using for the workshop.
Dylan has also collected a nice amount of vintage Italian coffee paraphernalia over the years too!
We can also avail of our Sage Barista Pro espresso machine which holds a permanent place at the studio.
What to expect.
The Coffee Bean: Learn how variety, altitude, moisture, and bean density impact the flavour.
Processing Coffee: What is a natural, a washed or even a honey coffee? Does this change
the flavour of coffee? Learn how we approach roasting each of these a little differently.
Phases of the Coffee Roast: What happens when you apply heat to coffee beans? What
can go wrong and how to make coffee the way you love it. Learn how to change the taste of
the beans using different roasting techniques.
Roast Curves: All our roasts will be tracked using software called Artisan. Learn how to
read the live graphs so you can change the roast to bring out the flavours you want.
Training our senses: Coffee roasting is a mixture of art and science. To excel in roasting
we must tune our senses in to what’s happening to our roasting beans. We will learn the key
moments to watch out for, the smells to identify and the sounds that indicate where we are in
our roast.
What machine? What bean? We will cover where you can source your green beans, what
machines are available to the home roaster and what are the advantages and disadvantages
of each one.
Time to roast: Everyone who attends the workshop will roast their very own beans. They
will be assisted in choosing their beans, making a roast plan, and moving the beans through
the different phases of the roast.
Time for lunch: We will provide a lunch of soup and sambo combo from The Workshop Cafe,
located only 2mins up the road from the studio.
Time for tasting: Part two of the workshop will cover brewing methods. First, we will learn
the art of cupping our freshly roasted coffee. We will then dive into how temperature, grind
size and brewing methods all affect what we get in the cup. We will cover filter, pour over
and how to dial in the perfect espresso at home! This will be a very hands-on experience
with everyone getting involved in a variety of brewing methods.
What you will take home: This caffeinated afternoon will cover all the essentials to set you
on your way in home roasting. At the very least you will leave with a greater understanding
and appreciation of the world of specialty coffee and roasting and brewing at home. You will
also leave with a bag of coffee that you roasted yourself!
Processing Coffee: What is a natural, a washed or even a honey coffee? Does this change
the flavour of coffee? Learn how we approach roasting each of these a little differently.
Phases of the Coffee Roast: What happens when you apply heat to coffee beans? What
can go wrong and how to make coffee the way you love it. Learn how to change the taste of
the beans using different roasting techniques.
Roast Curves: All our roasts will be tracked using software called Artisan. Learn how to
read the live graphs so you can change the roast to bring out the flavours you want.
Training our senses: Coffee roasting is a mixture of art and science. To excel in roasting
we must tune our senses in to what’s happening to our roasting beans. We will learn the key
moments to watch out for, the smells to identify and the sounds that indicate where we are in
our roast.
What machine? What bean? We will cover where you can source your green beans, what
machines are available to the home roaster and what are the advantages and disadvantages
of each one.
Time to roast: Everyone who attends the workshop will roast their very own beans. They
will be assisted in choosing their beans, making a roast plan, and moving the beans through
the different phases of the roast.
Time for lunch: We will provide a lunch of soup and sambo combo from The Workshop Cafe,
located only 2mins up the road from the studio.
Time for tasting: Part two of the workshop will cover brewing methods. First, we will learn
the art of cupping our freshly roasted coffee. We will then dive into how temperature, grind
size and brewing methods all affect what we get in the cup. We will cover filter, pour over
and how to dial in the perfect espresso at home! This will be a very hands-on experience
with everyone getting involved in a variety of brewing methods.
What you will take home: This caffeinated afternoon will cover all the essentials to set you
on your way in home roasting. At the very least you will leave with a greater understanding
and appreciation of the world of specialty coffee and roasting and brewing at home. You will
also leave with a bag of coffee that you roasted yourself!